Up to date advice on what to do in the garden this month!

By following our Garden Calendar below, you can always be sure that you are making the right choices in your garden.

Make sure you check back each month, as we are regularly updating this blog with relevant information.


Plant cabbage, cauli, broccoli, spinach, onion, pak choi, celery, silverbeet, corn, zucchini, brussel sprouts, beans, sweet corn, beetroot, leeks and lettuce seedlings.

Use derris dust or Kiwicare Organic Caterpillar Bio Control for white cabbage butterfly caterpillars.

Harvest new potatoes.

Harvest end of summer vegetables such as sweet corn, zucchini, and lettuce.

Plant green crops in areas of the garden which are now vacant – lupin to add nitrogen, oats to add fibre and mustard to help discourage soil insects.


Plant lobelia, gazania, alyssum, verbena, sweet william, geraniums, delphiniums, carnations, petunia, marigolds, impatiens, cosmos, salvia, begonia, snap dragons, portulaca, gypsophila, dahlia, zinnia, swan plants, campanula and stock seedlings.

Feed summer flowering annuals with nitrophoska (slow release, 3 month).

Stake dahlias and other later summer flowering perennials.

Deadhead perennials and annuals and keep watering well to encourage a second flowering.


Water regularly as plants will dry out quickly in the warmer weather.

Repot plants that have outgrown their containers.

Liquid feed fortnightly, Flower Power for flowering plants and Nitrosol for foliage plants.

Repot last winter cyclamen and keep moist to encourage new shoots.


Feed water lilies with Jobe’s aquatic fertiliser spikes.

Feed summer flowering shrubs with general all purpose fertiliser.

Feed established lawns with sulphate of ammonia and aerate if compacted.

Keep all areas of the garden well mulched to conserve water.

Take semi-hardwood cuttings of plants like fuschia, roses and hydrangea

Take tip cuttings of soft stemmed plants like coleus and impatiens

Look out for passion-vine hoppers, aphids and whiteflies and spray affected plants with Yates Mavrik, Pyrethrum products, or Beata bug.

Look out for mites and spray with Mavrik.

New seasons spring bulbs will be starting to arrive in store.

Keep an eye out for powdery mildew and spray if necessary.

Keep plants in pots well watered.


