Up to date advice on what to do in the garden this month!

By following our Garden Calendar below, you can always be sure that you are making the right choices in your garden.

Make sure you check back each month, as we are regularly updating this blog with relevant information.


Plant cabbage, cauli, broccoli, spinach, onion, pak choi, celery, silverbeet, corn,tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, brussel sprouts, beans sweetcorn celery,beetroot, chilli, capsicum and lettuce seedlings.

Plant main crop potatoes.

Sow peas, beetroot, radish, carrots, dwarf and climbing beans & sweetcorn add compost or peat to the soil in the vegetable garden.


Plant lobelia, kale, gazania, alyssum, nemesia, verbena, livingstone daisies, statice,sweet peas, sweet william, geraniums, delphiniums, carnations, aster, celosia, petunia,marigolds, impatiens, cosmos, phlox, salvia, begonia, foxgloves, snapdragons and aquilegia.

Feed summer flowering annuals with Novatec Nitrophoska.

Plant perennial hemerocallis, phlox, iris, delphiniums, hostas, astilbe & lupin.

Mulch flower beds to retain moisture in summer and suppress weeds.

Plant late summer and autumn flowering bulbs such as nerines, iris & amaryllis.

Stake dahlias and other later summer flowering perennial.

Sow sunflower seeds.


Water regularly as plants will start to dry out more quickly in the warmer weather.

Repot plants that have outgrown their containers.

Liquid feed fortnightly, Thrive Liquid Houseplant for flowering plants and Nitrosol for foliage plants.

Poinsettias and ornamental chillies are available now.


Plant water lilies.

Last chance to sow new lawn before the dry summer weather.

Feed established lawns with a high nitrogen lawn food & aerate if compacted Feed summer flowering shrubs.

Spray roses with Super Shield or Kiwicare Spectrum, and give a dressing of rose fertiliser.

Plant herbs such as basil.

Protect young seedlings from slugs and snails by sprinkling Quash or Blitzem around them.

If young seedlings are attacked by downy mildew, spray with liquid copper or copper ocychloride.

Spray grapes with Yates Fungus Fighter at 14-day intervals to prevent downy mildew, powdery mildew and blackspot.

Feed & mulch fruit trees, roses, perennials, trees & shrubs.

Place pheromone traps in apple trees to guard against codling moth.

Check plants for aphids and spray if necessary.
