Up to date advice on what to do in the garden this month!

By following our Garden Calendar below, you can always be sure that you are making the right choices in your garden.

Make sure you check back each month, as we are regularly updating this blog with relevant information.


Plant cabbage, cauli, broccoli, spinach, onion, pak choi, celery, silverbeet, brussel sprouts, beetroot, spring onions, broad beans, leeks, and lettuce seedlings.

Harvest the end of the summer vegetables, such as sweetcorn, zucchini, cucumbers and lettuce.

Plant green crops in areas of the garden which are now vacant – lupin to add nitrogen, oats to add fibre and mustard to help discourage soil insects.


Remove the last of the summer annuals and cut back summer flowering perennials.

Plant lobelia, gazania, alyssum, sweet william, delphiniums, carnations, cyclamen, dianthus, kale, snapdragons, campanula, stock, canterbury bells, cineraria, pansies, violas, primula, polyanthus, calendula, poppies, wallflower, viscaria, linaria and sweet peas.

Feed autumn flowering annuals with Novatec Nitrophoska.

Plant spring flowering bulbs including freesias, anemones, crocus, bluebells, hyacinths, irises, lachenalia, fritillaria and narcissus.

Chill Tulip bulbs in the fridge before planting in May.


Liquid feed fortnightly, Thrive Liquid Houseplant for flowering plants and Nitrosol for foliage plants.

Start to reduce watering as the weather cools down, especially for plants such as aglaonema, yucca, dracaena and dieffenbachia.


Take tip cuttings of soft stemmed plants like coleus and impatiens.

Take semi-hardwood cuttings of plants like fuschia, roses and hydrangea.

Citrus trees, azaleas, roses, rhododendrons and camellias should receive an autumn dressing of fertiliser.

Trim hedges to allow some growth before winter sets in.

Once roses have finished flowering spray them with copper oxychloride to prevent foliage and stem diseases.

Divide perennials like michaelmas daisies, astilbes and hellebores.

This is the best month to sow new lawns. Prepare the soil first, spraying for weeds and adding some lawn fertilizer.

Start planting trees and shrubs.

Be careful with watering as over watering at this stage can encourage fungal disease.


